Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rough days

I think that every person finds a day or two that can be challenging especially with children.  This morning was that for me. In this life we call writing there are so many opportunities that come up and each one is epic in different ways. I am trying to get my SyFy with a hint of romance, betrayal, surprises  and friendships. Polished up for Pitch wars. I am so excited but it brings on a new level of stress as well. My daughter just started K12 online which makes me her teacher she doesn't always like to do her work and today the tears ran red in my mind. Then little super baby climbs on table spills water on school books... Lastly little star boy pukes on me. not glamourous to say the least. I really thought I may pull ever strand of my hair out. When my daughter hands me my math book and says," Look mom I did your home work for you." She drew me a picture on the back cover of her and I smiling. I couldn't help but smile and be reminded at the same time that I also have math homework due today. Sometimes though it is ok to breath and put everything aside and just try to enjoy the happiness in everything. My daughter is strong willed, My super baby will be able to get out of any obstacle and my sick star boy felt pain on his own for the first time today. He is Autistic and has never given me much of a reaction when it comes to pain. Now I have a pretty picture to help me smile when I am cramming numbers for this five week math class. All in all it wasn't such a bad morning. Now to finish math homework and polish more of my manuscript. Happy Thursday Everyone! 

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