Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy Thursday

Sorry about the length I will keep them shorter from now on  just want to introduce myself.

I am Keri. Yes I love to write. It all started with a small book in first grade about a puffin with one fin. I now realize it was a wing but I was in first grade. I illustrated and wrote this six page book. I got to pick out what I think was sticker backed wall paper for the cover and I sewed it together with orange string. I felt so happy and I knew at that moment I wanted to write books and become President of the United States. As I got older I never lost my love for writing but I did struggle. In fifth grade I was diagnosed with sever dyslexia. A therapist told me my dreams of being a writer probably were slim to non at that point. I remember I looked at her with tears in my eyes and shouted " You don't know me very well I over come hurdles not become them" She laughed. Glad my dad never took me back there again. I think every one has a back story and most are not glamourous mine falls in that same category. Divorced parents evil step mother, abandonment and rejection issues, lots of abuse. When I think about my past though I try to think about the bad things with a positive twist. I am who I am and I am on the journey I want to be on because of those horrid things. I learned to over come my dyslexia. Sometimes it gets the best of me but that is what re reading a thousand times is for. Now I am in college for a BA in journalism I have three amazing children. A son with Autism  he sees the world in ways I could never have thought to see it. When he was diagnosed we were told not to expect to much. He may never walk, never be potty trained, never talk and probably will not be able to write.Well he is four now and guess what he can do all of those things better than me some days lol. Our daughter is just a joy she lights up a room when she walks in. At age two she suffered from sever PTSD from her fathers deployment I learned a lot about military children and PTSD at that point and I started helping speak out for them to try to help parents understand. Some reason though I learned parents don't like to think there is any thing wrong with their child. In turn the child suffers more. I still advocate about PTSD and military deployments and life stress on children but it is a disappointing road and causes me to lose mild faith in man kind. Then I have my baby boy he isn't so baby now he is one and a half but super adorable and keeps all of us on our toes. My husband of almost seven years is in the Marine corps. We have gone through two deployments and several months of training. Moved from california to hawaii and back to california and we love our country. In our marriage we have spent three years apart... Guess that is the life. Now I am writing my first novel that I plan to publish. I have a couple poems on under Keri Dinkins you have to look in the archives they are from about ten years ago. Very happy to meet you all!! Happy Thursday remember to smile the universe loves you... 

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