Thursday, November 7, 2013

Roll with the punches

First off Happy Thursday,

I really have learned through out my life to roll with it and just keep going no matter what. There are moments though when everything hits you like a cement wall and digging your way past it with a spoon is the only option. I think it is important to find the good in it all like the fact that you have a spoon to dig with you could have to use your hands and yet you could be thankful you have hands. 

I didn't get selected for agent treat but I did get a couple people to read a bit of my Manuscript and they gave me some great feed back. I was diagnosed with Dyslexia when I was in 5th grade up until that point I had struggled through school it was amazing being able to write a sentence completely backwards but only I could read it. I never let my ability stop me though. I kept writing and I kept learning new ways to cope and push forward. I admired Harriet the Spy and the show Ghost Writer if you were a 90's kid you get this. I just wanted to get my stories out there. So when I got my feed back I realized I had so much dyslexia no wonder they didn't pick me. My brain completely reads  every sentence correctly and it adds or changes it as I read it for some reason my mind doesn't see the errors even though they are very much there. I am going to use the advice and corrections I was given and try really hard to not miss these errors that swarm my manuscript. I was told I have amazing voice and my story is really unique and fun. That is where I will be in my free time grinding out my manuscript and getting it ready for an editor. I shall try to see where I am at the end of November and enter it for a contest called pitchwars but if it isn't ready I may have to sit this one out and thats okay.

My NaNoWriMo is coming along I haven't kept the word count I would have liked but I plan on writing at night when I can and trying my best. 

As a military spouse things change all the time. One day were moving the next were staying. One day were going here the next there. My husband has off and then he doesn't it is just life. I had planned to go to Romantic Times in New Orleans in May. I was finally going to meet my amazing online writing friends and my favorite author Aprilynn Pike. I don't talk about my children much but they each have their own special gift and require a very strict schedule. Sometimes the smallest change can cause weeks worth of progress to disappear. When I made my plans my husband was taking the week off to ensure their schedules stayed the same. Well those have changed and he will now be in a school that he can not take leave out of. To say this sucks would be a light way to put it. I cried a little I had such high hopes and excitement. I try to find the good in this to but for right now it is just a soar subject. I am a pretty selfless person I give and give and give because I love with all my heart and in that I do not take much time for myself and the time I do take is usually filled with guilt for not being with my kids and husband. This maybe was the first time I was going to be selfish in the last 8 years but I guess there is always next year. 

Like I said in life you have to roll with the punches you have to be able to pick yourself back up no matter how much it hurts. There is something important and amazing in every one and it could mean the world to someone you may not even know if you just share it. 

Aprilynn Pike released a new cover for her new book to her Earthbound called Earthquake it is pretty cool looking!!! 

Have a good Weekend and remember our VETERANS and their families!! 

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