Thursday, December 5, 2013

Works in Progress

Currently I am working on four different books. I know its crazy. One is about something I don't know what yet it is just developing. One is about aliens and young life, one is about a vampier and warlocks daughter. and the last one is about the odd life of a young girl who takes the supernatural and goes with it. Juggling writing, kids, husband, house and work can be exhausting so I added college to it just to add another gallon of coffee into my week. I figure I will get this schedule down eventually. Until then I just do it all in small some times tiny strides.

Everything doesn't come in Black and White sometimes it comes in rainbow and I suppose that is how I live my life. I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving and are gearing up for Christmas like we are. My very amazing children may each have a special Nook HD waiting for them Christmas morning. Let me know what your reading in the comments below :)

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