Friday, October 18, 2013

Crazy in the Air

It has been a bit, I feel I start a lot of my blog post off by saying this... Welcome to my crazy life. Every day seems to come with daunting tasks most of them are fun they just take time. I have officially opened my in home daycare and take notes on the hilarious things my kids say to add in a book someday. Last week one told me thats fizangled I am not to sure where this word will go but it absolutely must be used. It is that time of year again where one year ago I had just finished my 50k word manuscript and all these contest were popping up. I really, really, really wanted to submit to them and learned in the midst that no amount of coffee or days with no end would be enough to polish my MS in time. I passed on a few and then I did submit to one because I really thought my MS was beautiful. It was a very awesome learning experience to say the least. I made a ton of online writer friends though who I am dying to meet next May at RT2014. Some like Kimberly Chase and Brenda Drake who took the time to give me advise and are always inspiring me by creating contest and reminding me there is always another contest and the Query trenches just keep writing. 

With that I have been writing and reading and editing and polishing. for the past 9 months I have been working toward a better MS. I am on my kind of final draft. With the help of my aunt and her editing eye we shall be ready for these contest. Problem is every time I proof read I find new things I forgot about and go back and research better wording or sentence structure. These are writer problems I suppose but this is where I am starting so I feel it important to tell others. We all start somewhere and we just have to keep going and keep editing and keep polishing. If your in writing for the money or the fame you are not in it for the right reasons writing is a way to express yourself when you cross the finish line you want to offer the world something you can be proud of. To my fellow writers keep going, you have a story in you and it will come out just breath and write. 

Now I will tell you what has kept me away... I had a change in job placement, we moved, been working on my daycare, Autism Walk, my daughters 7th birthday Disneyland for the first time trip and many days of child filled events. Most of you know my son is autistic and if you didn't well you do now. The Autism Walk really hits your heart cords, because not all kids are like my son, not all of them will have a fully functioning life. The ones who have overcome so much remind you that your not alone in this, its just an amazing experience. 

So contest I am entering.... Agent Treat , PitchMadness , possibly Pitch MAS and I shall be polishing that Query letter :) I want to go to New Orleans as an up and coming author that is my goal! 

Have a very happy weekend! 
Until next time keep smiling because your awesome! 

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