Saturday, August 31, 2013

When An Idea Sneaks Up On You

Sometimes ideas creep up on you as a writer this happens often. Walking in the dark I started to feel like running heart racing I could feel the rain in the air and the wind whirling around me and then I could see her in my mind. A young girl Tanzie running and not scared but just trying to escape her life for a few moments. Unlucky for her it was raining and very windy. At that moment I rushed home a wrote this scene out and it is growing by the day. 

Granted I am still very much working on When Stars Collide but it is nice to have a story that isn't already written. New fresh different characters. This takes me back because I was very upset that Stephanie Meyer announced that she knew what was to come next in the Twilight Saga but refused to write it just yet, she wanted to work on other things. I get it now. Though I am burning the candle at both ends everything is slowly coming together and I can not wait to share these stories with my very loved and very awesome followers. 

I am having a vote going for When Stars Collide main character name. originally it was Mira and I went to Merra and now I am thinking Celeste, Zoey or Austora... Leave me a comment below on your thoughts. 

I always like to inspire with my blog, this week my son and daughter started their new schools and I was panicking trying to find something social for my daughter that wasn't to expensive, and I could get her to daily. A lady I ran into told me about Save The Children an after school program for grades 1st to 6th... After further investigation I found it was a learning based team building program. My Daughter is not a team person normally. She literally failed PE for not participating, Imagine my shock when they told me she was working in a team and helping and communicating on a Yoga routine they would do... Well she loves her program and I am a happy mommy so thrilled that she is growing and overcoming challenges  Pretty epic that 3 years ago she was Autistic and now she isn't even on the spectrum and granted dealing with ADHD ODD but always surprising her doctors and therapist with the boundaries she is willing to push. 

KSPD :) 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

For the Love of Writing

I keep hearing master pieces are not written in a day but I really do wish I could have this manuscript written out and ready for my hard edits... I try to a lot time for writing but things always come up or get disrupted I shall not give up though I shall press on. My goal was to be edited by December I suppose I better get my booty in gear. I entered a contest last year and got a lot of very great feedback I plan to enter it again this year with a beauty of a manuscript. 

I have a lot of people helping in the background of my life. My husband who literally hands me coffee and sends me to write, my son and daughter who try to help me make up characters... My family who I know think I am crazy to add anything else to my crazy day but help me in anyway they can... My Aunt Karen who is always encouraging and pushing me forward to push out that next chapter and her edits and feed back that really help developed the parts of my story that I was trying to say but couldn't depict the right wording. I suppose it is time for me to really dive into this adventure I can't wait to give you all updates and share more with you as it comes a long.... 

Other than that we are moved but we are not settled if that makes sense still unpacking and organizing, setting up the preschool I am starting and getting everybody ready for new schools... It is a fun and tiring week in this house but I will share photos soon!!! 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Bound to Life

Life sometimes has a funny way of throwing us off track, and seems to think derailing is a really awesome way, to give us the want to go on and see what else can happen... The past couple months have been very trying in my life funny enough though everything seems to be falling into place. Maybe that is what life is about maybe it isn't about the day to day mumble grumble but the 10 year picture the long term.

Photo: Positive Inspirational Quotes ( PIQ)
I don't get into the personalities of my life this is the internet for goodness sake; but I will tell you that even among the flames of hell I came out on top. Now my blogging and writing on the other hand well those have suffered a bit. The blog I bring you today is to inspire you to keep going and keep dreaming and keep reaching. I haven't written in a month. Every time I sit down to write I am slammed with yet another travesty, but I will keep sitting down because I know that at some point the fire will clear and the calm of the roaring ocean will enforce my story and project greatness. 

Photo: Positive Inspirational Quotes ( PIQ)

As for amazing books for Young Adult I finished Numbers 1 to 3 of mortal instruments series which I really enjoy and am excited to finish the last two. I have fallen in love yet again with Aprilynn Pikes new amazing stories (Life After Theft and Earth Bound). I am struggling to read them both at the same time because I feel the characters fight over my attention and I am betraying one by spending time with the other but were getting through. (Yes, I am still planning on going to Illinois next May to meet her.... geeeee) I am going to start reading Terry Brooks yay! I also have began the Harry Potter books with my daughter who loves magical realism and alternate worlds like her mommy! 

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So while I am moving and settling and setting up this new adventure of a home enrichment program and day care I shall attempt to still blog to you guys!! My Aunt asked me about short stories I am considering it but they all seem to drag on longer than short story material hmmmmm decisions! 

Photo: Positive Inspirational Quotes ( PIQ)
