Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Waves of Life

This is a Portuguese Maneuver resting upon the sand of that flipper. Well it is probably dyeing because it is not in water but that is life right we float out of the water and rest on the sand when we are tired and then a wave comes in and says " that's enough rest lets go drown some more." I think there are times I look at life that way. who am I kidding all of us have days where we are dyeing on the sand and constantly being pulled in and rushed out by the waves of life. 

My child hood was not a beautiful one but it created a beautiful person. Christmas always was my hardest holiday. If I made it through my birthday sits right after the New Year and I could breath for a few months not struggling from the pain of the past or the regrets of the mistakes. Overcoming all of these things the past year has really helped me to like myself and love myself. I finally have started writing again. A hobby that all to long ago was covered by loss in confidence. I continue my work on my BA with less hesitation and more joy and I love my husband and children family and friends just a little more. See when one does not like oneself they cannot find the beauty in others. They may slug around and bring others down because they are jealous of the happiness they feel constantly waiting for the happiness to fade and them to be on the same level of fear, anger and sadness as oneself is. This past year working on myself I fear I may have been that person at many points in my life but I refuse to let regret eat me alive any longer. My soul is no longer consumed by pain, anger and hatred. I am finally at peace with the world and the balance of life. On top of all of this I have lost 42 lbs. It was like once the pain started healing the weight started lifting. My 2012 was a very challenging year but it was so rewarding all the same. 

I told you I would write about some of the great books I have read and why I loved them so much. I am currently int he middle of about four series and I can't get enough but with three kids the reading is a bit slower these days. 
Lauren Kate's Fallen Series is Amazing, very well written and breathtaking with surprise. 
Aprilynn Pike's Wings Series brings you to a world you never thought existed and makes Fairy's much cooler then I ever thought they were before. 
Carrie Jones' Need series makes me want to be a pixie. It is very well written and epic.
PC and Kristen Cast, The House of Night Series is a good series I got a little burnt out after Burned but I heard there will be 13 books total I hope there is something new and surprising coming soon.
I love the Eragon series and am so excited to read the final book that only the last chapter was written by the famous Author and his heir wrote the rest. 
I did read the first book of Fifty Shades of Grey I was not a fan. 
I love Nicholas Spraks books I read Safe Haven and The Lucky Ones. Both great reads.
Kerissa and I read The Dork Diaries I have big plans for Middle grade books for her this year. Big Big plans.
I am kind of a sucker for SciFi and Paranormal Romance. 
This year I plan to branch out a bit and read more Middle Grade novels as well as Adult. 
I first will be finishing up my series I am in the middle of and starting Anne Rice, The Vampire Chronicles. Then I have met so many debut authors on twitter that I will be reading all of there books as well. I will keep you posted about once a month I will write about a new book I have read. 

For now Have a very happy week and look at life as though you are being pulled into adventure and rushed out for a rest but quickly drawn back into the waves of life, fun, love and Happiness. 

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