Monday, December 17, 2012

Being Strong

I have talked a lot about my life and how things have changed me, different events make me think differently about different situations. I never thought me saying something to someone would help change their life though. I guess it never dawned on me that I was that important to help another, Or that they would listen to me. I was in WalMart when we first moved here about 6 months ago, and there was a parent who was completely out of control. I had been walking behind them for a while seemed we were going to the same places. Her daughter was just being so good she was standing next to her mom and hadn't said much. Then her mother didn't like the way the girl had done her hair. (it was in a pony tail.) She started going off about her daughters hair and I could tell the poor girl was so embarrassed and the look of fear came into her eyes. Her mother raised her hand as though she was going to slap the child. I grabbed that woman's hand so fast. It was a reaction I didn't even process what I was doing how I moved that quickly until long after. I told the little girl, " No one ever has the right to touch you or hurt you out of anger I want you to tell your teachers, your principal your relatives and keep telling them until they listen when ever your mother does these things to you again." She looked at me with a soft smile. She said my mom and dad are with the Angels this is my CPS case worker. I let the woman's hand go and by then a security guard had come over I told him what had happened and the woman said it was fine she just wanted to leave. The man standing there looked at me and asked what I saw I told him and he called the police. The woman was arrested because the girl had bruises all over her body from her foster home and many she said came from the CPS worker. The girl then came over to me and said," I don't think I would have ever said anything to those police men had you not told me that. I have been scared for so long. Thank you for helping me." I told her she was welcome and she asked me about my story how I knew no one should touch a child like that. I shared a kid edited version with her and gave her my info in case she ever needed someone to talk to. Well I got an email from her the other day and she is doing really great. The security guard at Walmart and his wife are her foster parents now and there trying to adopt her. They even took her to therapy and are all learning how to take care of each other as well as Parenting classes. The girl told me Thank You for her new life her new good life." Her new foster father added " I really love people who have a passion to change the world and stand up for people no matter what the price could be." 

I share this because we do effect each other. Much like that movie pay it forward everyone touches another life, Wether it be that woman you cut off, The man you steal from or the one hello and smile you give. Everyones lives are separate but connected. In a time of so so much evil that seems to intoxicate our world, Sharing love, patience  kindness and truth are the best way to change this and turn it all around. There will still be evil and people will still be harmed but if we all just stop and stand up for one another we all might get through it a little less destroyed. Everyday in the US 5 children die from child abuse 1825 children a year die from being beaten and neglected to death. Mostly because they are to scared to say anything. My little bit of encouragement I believe saved that girls life. Always try to remember that pointing fingers is easy blaming someone else is even easier but looking at yourself is hard and sadly it starts with each of us. Think about who you effect and try and make this new year a year of love and happiness all tied with positivity and HOPE that our leaders will adapt these ideals as well and our country will change for the better. Merry Christmas Everyone! 

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