Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Short and Sweet

I keep writing and working my way toward my dreams but in that I also do a lot of other things. Especially since it is the Holidays. We have snow flakes hanging from the ceiling, lights dangle in the windows and along the roof top and the Christmas tree is a very loyal charlie brown fake tree. The Shopping and crafting has been a lot of fun and now the wrapping seems endless. I have still found time to read a little and work on editing my Manuscript not as much as I would like but hey it is something. I wish you all A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year may 2014 be a wonderful year! 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Works in Progress

Currently I am working on four different books. I know its crazy. One is about something I don't know what yet it is just developing. One is about aliens and young life, one is about a vampier and warlocks daughter. and the last one is about the odd life of a young girl who takes the supernatural and goes with it. Juggling writing, kids, husband, house and work can be exhausting so I added college to it just to add another gallon of coffee into my week. I figure I will get this schedule down eventually. Until then I just do it all in small some times tiny strides.

Everything doesn't come in Black and White sometimes it comes in rainbow and I suppose that is how I live my life. I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving and are gearing up for Christmas like we are. My very amazing children may each have a special Nook HD waiting for them Christmas morning. Let me know what your reading in the comments below :)