Friday, February 22, 2013

Young Children's Books From The 90's and Kids Today

I got an email about how much children's books have changed since the 90's. Biggest change being the pictures and the word choice. I think we all enjoyed these books I have listed. I also have to agree the books like Junie B Jones were not really popular when I was a kid because the language was not correct English. Now they are chart toppers. Comics were not like Diary of a Wimpy Kid they were comic books. Not saying that enjoying these books is bad but that children should probably not be reading them until they understand that the words written in them may not be the correct way to use or say enjoy a small travel back in time... 

I for one loved this book and I remember our teacher having us make our own book like it. Brown Bear Brown Bear is another one that just amazed the world of young readers. 

My 5th grade teacher Mrs. Wollery  read this book to our class. It inspired me to reach for more out of life and not let anyone knock me down. 

Every Liberian in every school was reading this book to students. Such an awesome book and a well deserved prize winner. 

I have to say this book amazed my mind I checked it out about 50 times before my Aunt bought it for me. Then I was engulfed in it all of the time. 

I love this story. I hated the movie but this story was one shared around the world and so beautifully drawn. 

If you didn't read this series you should even as adults you would enjoy it. 

Everyone had these in school. My parents didn't like them but I read all of my friends they were defiantly fun. 

Well I don't think there is anything to say other than Awesome.... 

A true classic filled with imagination and wonder. 

Think this was the first time any one saw the word stupid on a cover of a book on a book shelf... It was a good book though. 

All girls loved these as well as the American Girl series and Nancy Drew

This is Justis favorite book but it was mine when I was a kid as well.

We all know this guy! 

A nice story about sharing and friendship this also won an award and it has beautiful water color pictures. 

5th grade yep yep

The first book I ever read by myself. 

Such a sweet fun story. 

I think we can all agree these books made us laugh and cry. They taught us to read and in a way write. My kids have most of these books sadly I found a lot of them on Clarence shelves and in used book stores. I should say sad for them happy for me! Literature is lost in our society now. Everything is electronically and many of the great American literature books are on these devices people don't think to buy them. TV, Movies, Video Games and Media have taken over our young children's minds. If you buy a kid a book today most of them give you that thanks but no thanks look. It truly is sad. Every year there are book drives to help gather books for kids who do not have anything. It makes me so happy to help out with these. As a writer I worry that kids will soon not have any interest in a good book at all. As a mom I will never let my kids stop reading. I learned at a young age knowledge is power and with it you can reach the moon. My daughter is in first grade she is reading BOB books at school she is reading chapter books at home. Her teacher asked me how I get her to read such hard material. My response was, I read with her! It isn't rocket science many of us learned to read because we didn't have TV or anything else to do. 

When kids fight reading you know you have done something wrong. I am not calling anyone out but it is proven in the education journals that kids who live in homes where the parents play video games and watch encumbered amounts of TV and are never read to will not enjoy reading. In this I challenge you go to the library get one of these books and share it with your child if you do not already have one. The best part is you can tell them about the first time you remember hearing the story. Not only are you building a reading skill you are building a relationship with your child. Books are a gateway to the imagination and the heart! Enjoy! 

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